
    Technical/Industrial Visit of Students of SGSITS, Indore

    • Start Date : 21/03/2018
    • End Date : 21/03/2018
    • Venue : NIC MPSC Bhopal

    The students (30 Students with 02 faculty members) of B.E (Pre-Final Year) of SGSITS (Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology & Science), Indore visited NIC, Madhya Pradesh State Centre, Bhopal on 21st March 2018 under technical/industrial visit of their Course.

    Two Sessions (of about 2 hours each) were conducted for awareness programme on State level IDC Services, Infrastructure of IDC, Web Hosting Environment, Cloud Computing, GIGW, Cyber Security, Network Technologies, NKN (National Knowledge Network), NICNET, Firewall, etc., pertaining to NIC Madhya Pradesh.

    Presentation on IDC Services & related Infrastructure was covered by Shri Chandra Prakash Gupta, Scientist-D, Web Hosting Environment, GIGW and Cloud Computing by Smt Saraswati Parmar, Scientist-B & Cyber Security by Shri Rajendra Patel, Scientist-B during first session, whereas presentations on Network Technologies, NKN, NICNET, VC, etc., were covered by Shri Mayank Nagar (STD) during second session.

    The technical/industrial visit concluded with live demonstration of Network Security Infrastructure, Network Management, Traffic Monitoring, Video Conferencing, Smart Class Room, Network Operation Center and National Knowledge Network, LAN Monitoring Center of Bhawans, etc.

    Shri Ramdatt Upadhyay, PSA from NIC and Shri Somil Neema from SGSITS coordinated the visit. The students & faculty members of SGSITS appreciated the efforts put-in by NIC for the visit and expressed sincerely thanks to DDG & SIO, Shri Rajan R Rane for providing them the opportunity to have a look on state-of-the- art IDC infrastructure, NICNET & NKN Setup, Video Conferencing and Smart Class Setup of NIC.

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