
    NIC Madhya Pradesh Celebrates 4th anniversary of Digital India Initiative

    • Start Date : 01/07/2019
    • End Date : 01/07/2019
    • Venue : NIC MPSC Bhopal

    4th anniversary of Digital India initiative was commemorated in NIC Madhya Pradesh State Centre by organizing an event. The event commenced with the welcome note by SIO, Shri Prakash Rao who gave an insight about the Digital India Initiative to the audience.

    The first session was marked by presentations by the Group Head and selected District Informatics Officers about the e-governance initiatives taken in the projects/districts headed by them and their impact.

    The second session was planned for talk and discussion about induction of new and emergent technology in e-Governance. Shri Kamlesh Joshi, ASIO and STD briefed the participants about the session. The speakers from State center and Districts centers talked about various technologies such as ChatBot, edge computing, IOT, Block chain, Machine learning and Big data & their usage like: Chatbots for enquiry systems in citizen centric applications, Prediction of health and disease out breaks using big data ,Predictive maintenance and smart buildings using edge technology , Natural Language Processing for translation of training material in local languages and IOT for checking leakages in the pipeline.

    The celebrations saw enthusiastic participation by NIC Officer , FMS , Personnel working in NIC Projects in State Center as well as DIC’s who joined the event over Video Conferencing.

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